Return of the blog

Welcome to ’thee New and improved Von Sven Kustom Deluxe blog!

Why a blog you ask?? Well, after a looong stint as a social media victim I have decided to return to controlling my own content here on my very own website. Which by a not so strange coincidence I started waaaay back in 2005 when I moved my business to its current location, Swedens most lovely capital city, Stockholm. But you know I kind of miss it, the blog format, and the “old” times when you got what you were actually interested in on the internet.

So if you are interested in seeing the kind of ART that Von Sven Kustom Deluxe provides to this little spinning globe of ours then look no further folks! This is the place for… PINSTRIPES, SIGNS, SCULPTURE PAINTING, CHAINSTITCH EMBROIDERY, ILLUSTRATION, HAND-LETTERING and whatever else I can come up with 🤙

Now one thing… updates… how to hear about new content in this blog, well at the moment I am planning on letting people know by way of social media, with the plan of a newsletter. Any suggestions are appreciated, and once these options are considered and a decision is made this text will be updated.

thanks for the visit, hope you enjoy the content and feel free to contact me with any suggestions.

-Von Sven